Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday's readings (102)

(1-6) Sounds a lot like congress rules. Which affirmed to me that the founding fathers were truly inspired men. We hear a lot about them being men of God, and these few verses kindof reminded me of that.
(21) So far, this seems a lot lokw a judical hearing type thing. Until this verse and verse 23. When I intially read this verse I interpreted it as revelation. It just looks like business, business, business .... Unless the spirit prompt otherwise .... business, business, unless the Lord says otherwise ... business ect.
It seems as though diciplinary councels are set up like these high counsels. Was this the basis for the workings of a diciplinary councel?
*off topic a little* In the D&C especially, you see the word ensample a lot. I originally tucked it into the back of my head as example and subsituted example for ensample when I read it. But then I wanted to learn more, did it have another meaning? There is a lexicon that tells what the english translated words once ment in greek and hebrew. It's really cool, and each word has like 4 or 5 meanings. You click on the little number next to the word and it tells you that word's meaning given its original context. Click here for what I found. You can look up things yourself by going to It's really cool. Any how, The definitions i found were impressing. A figure for meditation; to be imitated. And example to be imitated. A pattern or warning. I liked it because, Christ doesn't use an ordinary word like example. Examples are to be concidered and looked at, ensample is to be imitated. When Christ gives an ensample, it is a voice of warning to be followed. End of story.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Section 93

I really like vs 33 For man is aspirit. It says, "The elements are beternal, and cspirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fullness of joy;" With out physical bodies are spirit cannot have a fullness of joy. This is why Father in Heaven sent us here, so we can find a fullness of joy. This scripture can be referenced to 2 Nephi 2:25 "Adem fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday's Reading (98, 101, 134)

(98:2) "The Lord hat sworn and decreed that [your prayers] shall be granted." That's comforting. You knowt he Lord wont go back on His promises. This is appplicable even now. The Lord swears to answer our prayers, if we are humble and righteous.
(98:26) This was my train of thought whe Aaron said: "Man, I wish I had this much persictuion, fourfold blessings?!" That would be nice. I did suffer a lot of persicution, but not as rough or as long as the saints. I have recieved fourfold blessings from that. What about Aaron? He didn't get teased in highschool about being Mormon. He recieved different trials. We all recieve different trials. We are all blessed fourfold for our trials because we are tried indifferent ways and tried to our abilities.
(98:) I think it's amazing how Joseph could listen and receal such things to the saints. They needed to hear comforting words from him. Even though he did not know the severity of what the saints were experiencing. He just knew what to say from the Lord and that's what the saints needed. I'm so glad that the Lord hears and answers my prayers today. He is so generous and kind. I know I don't deserve half the things I ask for and don't ask for, but I get them anyways. I think he is trying to teach me grattitude, and boy is it working!
(101:4) Substitute "I" for "they." We all need to be chastened at some point or another, and we ALL certanily must be tried. It "builds character" as some would say, but it also build spiritual gifts and awareness.
(101:80) This land was made for all of us. God ordained this land and He preserved it. He had the righteous people create the condtitution. He gave us that freedom and inspired the men that wrote it. It's affirmed in 2 Nephi 1:6&7
(101:85-89) I think these verses imly that we need righteous leaders.


I liked section 134, because this section talks about the importance of respecting the governemnt in which we live. This section I think is summed up in the 12th article of faith. At one point in my life I had wondered if we were required to follow governments that had become corupt or evil. In D&C134:5-6 explained the question that I had. These verses state that we follow goverenments as far as they allow us our natural rights, protect the innocent, punish the wicked, and "hold ing sacred the freeedom of conscience"


D&C 93

In verse 19 they explained why this revelation was revealed. "I give unto these saying that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name and in due time receive of his fulness." I think this verse gave insight into the rest of the chapter. I love this section, because we learn more about our Father in Heaven, Jesus, and how we can become like them. Gaining the fullness of what our Father by forsakeing evil, striving to keep the commandments of god, and repenting when we we make mistakes. (verses 27,37, 38)

Verse 40 to the end "I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth." It was a reminder of how every one, even prophets, are responsible for teaching there children about the saviors love, and how to grow grace by grace towards God by keeping his commandments. I love teaching my children about god and seeing them start to understand the gospel and love the savior. I can't even explain the joy I feel as my child learned to pray for the first time, gave a talk about Jesus, was excited to give lessons in family home evening, or sings songs praising the Lord.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday's Readings (D&C 93)

(12&13) nothing in this world is instant, everything still takes some time and preparation, even instant pudding.
(29 footnote) Antemortality = before mortality. i.e. everything up to our pre-earth life.
(33) I don't know, I just like it
(35) If a Temple is defiled it is cleansed and often rededicated. When we defile our bodies with sin, we cleanse ourselves through repentance and rededicate our lives to the Lord through the sacrament and the way we live by sinning no more.
(53) Article of Faith #12. We should learn about other societies, cultures and religions, but use that for the Lord. Use that knowledge in the Lord's name.
(Manual 11-17) "All people may grow to the point of receiving a fullness ... IF they will follow the example of the Savior." We all have an equal chance. We all have the same opportunity for the same outcome. We just choose if we want it or not.
(Manual 11-17) The only measure of true greatness is how close a man can become like Christ." We normally measure greatness by success, hear, or attitude. But I like this measure better. It gives us all a chance instead of the "wealthy white male."
(Manual 19-20) "Man's capacity for worship is a measure of his comprehension of God." How much do I comprehend of my God? Do I obey with exactness, or do I justify my actions? Do I prayerfully consider the talks or play tic-tac-toe? Do I humble myself in prayer and reverence during the sacrament or complain about my empty stomach?
(Manual 19-20) "To worship the Lord is ... to be as He is."
(Manual 41-50) "We do not rear children just to please our vanity. We bring children into the world to become kings and queens, priests and priestesses for our Lord."
(Class) God and Man are of the SAME race.
Worship = Worth + Shipe
Worth = Worthy or of worth
Shipe = State
Worship = a worthy state

Friday Readings (D&C 89)

The word temperence is in the footnote of about every other verse. Out of curiosity, I looked it up in the Topical Guide and underneath it said "see ... self mastery." I just thought of temperance as moderation. But then I started thinking about it and it Is self mastery. I love me some steak, but I must have self mastery to eat it sparingly. Same with M&Ms, that takes REAL self control. ;)
As i was reading this section I had a funny little thought. Many people wont eat meat because it is wrong and God didn't give us these animals to eat. In other words, it is not natural. Yet the same god that made cows, made tigers. Tigers eat cows. Wolves eat bunnies. Cougars kill pigs. Eating other animals is very natural in our world. How come humans can't eat them? Also, meat provides essential nutrients that plant material alone cannot give. So vegetarians take pills with their meals to make up for that. If eating meat was not natural, Why does it provide many essential nutrients? It all fits. That's the way He intended it.
(Manual 89:2) It's interesting that the Lord had to go from gentile suggestion to forcefull commandment. This took time to get used to. It changed many people's lives.
(Manual 89:2) "While the commandments hace effect upon the body and temporal things, they are all in essence spiritual." That is so ture. Every commandment we get is to help us spiritually. It is almost as if physical and mental health is a by-product.
(Manual 89:2) "So I say, every commandment involves a spiritual growth. So I say, every commandment involves a spiritual principle."
(Manual 89:10-11) I think it's funny how many saints will try to pinpoint a certain principle or a specific thing to justify themselves. For exmple, caffine. People try to find THE coference talk that commands abstinence from caffine. You wont find it. The Lord gives us commandments that we may govern ourselves. We use our judgement and we ask Him for help discerning it. Most everything in the gospel is vague for this purpose.
(Manual 89:11) Most every fruit and grain is a perennial in it's native land. Therefore, it is always in season.

Friday, June 19, 2009


The word of wisdom can be followed by even the "weakest of all the saints"(D&C89:3) and is a great place to start. Some times it seems like we focus a lot on the not to do items in the word of wisdom, but there are a lot of things that are also things to do. The use of herbs, fruits, grains, and meat(D&C89:10-17). There are so many essential nutrients in all of these fruits. This reminds me of the food pyramid that they teach in elementary, but that they didn't have when the revelation was given. The blessings are great for the word of wisdom as well health, wisdom, knowledge, and the destroying angel passing and not slaying those who abide by the word of wisdom(D&C89:18-21).

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday's readings

(28&29) Quickened by the spirit. I looked up the footnotes and they all went to examples of people being "twinkled". Being quickened by the spirit means that blood will no longer be what keeps us alive, our spirit will be.
(37) So in each of the 3 kingdoms, there is a universe. Are they like each a part of their own solar system?
(25) The physical earth abides by celestial laws. The earth is perfect, yet it's inhabitants are not ... yet.
(49) This scripture implies that we cannot comprehend God. It's so true. There is so much to fathom and our minds can't take it in. There is so much we can learn about our Heavenly Father.


D&C 88:124
This verse was just what I needed to hear this week. I have been trying to go to bed early9:00pm and get up early5:00am, but I struggle with the change in schedules. It is great to know that me trying to change will lead to me not being so tiered and my mind being invigorated.
There are a couple of things which I would like to note that occur in section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants. First of all, in verses 69, 121, and 124 there are several reminders to avoid an excess of laughter and also to avoid idleness. Of course this revelation was given to the School of the Prophets, several very prominent leaders in the Church, but nevertheless, the counsel is for us in our day as well.
In verses 63 through 65, we receive some important counsel regarding our part that we need to do in order to increase in our testimony and knowledge of our Savior. While we cannot force spiritual things, the Lord makes it clear that we will receive answers to our prayers and feel His presence as we draw near to Him, seek Him diligently, ask, knock, and ask of the Father in His (Christ's) name. This does not mean that we need seek for signs to help us believe, but those signs shall follow those who exercise faith and believe in the Lord. This came from a cross-reference in section 63 verse 11.
One final thought... verses 67 and 68 give me great hope in knowing how I can eventually fully dispel darkness from my life that my body may be filled with light to the point that I may be able to comprehend all things and see God as I am sanctified with a mind single to God. Granted, this again is nothing that I can force and it is only done according to God's own will and His own way and time.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:37 "...and there is no kingdom in which there is no space," I have often thought about how many people wont make it to the Celestial Kingdom. There is plenty of room for all of Gods children in the Celestial Kingdom, but there is also plenty of room for all of Gods children in the Telestial kingdom. Our Father in Heaven wishes for all of His children to go to the Celestial Kingdom, but He lets us chose were we will end up through our actions here on earth. No matter what path we chose God will always have a place prepared for us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday's readings

I've learned a few things from this section, not as much as I should, but enough.
(84:21) Order in ALL things. Having the priesthood is an ordination someone else gives you. You don't give it to yourself, you aren't born with it, you earn it and another worthy member gives it to you. That creates order, and not chaos. Therefore it is of God.
(84:30) I like this verse because often times I see these little immature 12 and 13-year-olds and I wonder Why in the heck do we gives these boys such a sacred gift. Granted, they have the lesser priesthood, but the priesthood nonetheless. I think we do this to chape them. They may be immature, but look at their peers. They are so mature for 12 and 13. I think it helps them be a little less irresponsible. They could be worse ....
(My own thoughts) Aaron and I watched a show from a series before doing our scripture study, and after the show, I did not gain ANYTHING from reading. I did not have the spirit with me, I didn't sleep well that night, I felt aweful. It's part of a series too, so if leaves you wondering and wanting to watch the next episode. I knew that entertainment was influential, but I always thought I had more power than a dumb TV show. I don't. It made me realize how good Satan can make things seem. The first episode wasn't that bad, and it lured me in with the white letters (to be continued ...) We watched the second one, and I just lost the spirit. Satan can be so cunning and make things look so enticing. Media makes a lasting impression. I even heard a song on the radio one day, it was catchy so i listened to some of it only to change the channel later. Bad mistake, I knew it would be wrong, that was over a month ago, and after hearing it once, I can still sing the chorus. :/ Satan is real and he is clever.

Monday's post Section 84

Me and Reg read this section on the way to the Denver temple. We discussed the oath and covenant of the priesthood in verses 33-39. The oath and covenant is a promise between man and God. Men obtain these two priesthoods and magnify there callings. They then are blessed by becoming sanctified, become the sons of Moses and Aaron, the seed of Abraham, elect of God, and all that God has is given to them. These are great blessings that can be ours as we magnify our callings and obtain the fullness of the priesthood through the temple.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Section 84

President Eyring came to BYU-I last Tuesday. He compared and contrasted BYU-I and the temple and how they are both places of learning. The temple is stead fast and unmoving but the college must be constantly changing.
In Section 84:19 it says, " And this greater apriesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the bkey of the cmysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the dknowledge of God." The temple teaches us the mysteries of God, and the things which we must do to enter into the presence of God. The temple is the "college" of God. If we wish to know His ways we must attend the temple. The priesthood is the key to the knowledge of the temple. With out the priesthood the ordinances of the temple cannot be complete. With out the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost we cannot comprehend that which the Lord would teach us in His house.

Friday, June 12, 2009


(81) I think It's interesting how little we know about Jesse Gause. In the first 5 paragraphs on the Manual, It talks about how little we know of Jesse. There is no written record of his baptism, and little is written about him. He was called to the first presidency and then he just walked away never to return. I found a scripture (Psalms 69:28) Let them be blotted out of the abook of the living, and not be written with the righteous. I feel like this suggests what happened to Jesse. He was blotted out of the book of living, his records are no more. In this section, the revelation given to Frederick G. Williams was originally for Jesse. William's name was later substituted. Then in Mosiah 1:12 And I give unto them a name that never shall be blotted out, except it be through atransgression. I wonder if Jesse applied to this scripture? His name would have stayed if he were faithful.
(86) I wanted to get something new out of the same-old wheat and tares story. As I thought about it, a concept from my ecology came to mind. Interspecific competition. That is when 2 species compete for resources. The wheat and the tares both need nutrients and water from the soil. They also need proper sunlight. Because of interspecific competition, One species will grow taller in order to get the most sunlight and block it from the others, and it will grow deeper roots in order to gain the most nutrients. We as the wheat should do that, we should grow taller and make our foundations stronger when we are int he midst of adversity. Although we should still care for our neighbors and help them find the light as well, we should grow even more by doing that than they will.


D&C85:7-10 I spent some time researching these verses, because I was wondering if these verses had been fullfilled or if they still needed to be fulfilled. The verses talk about a man that will help distribute the inheritances of the saints. He will try to steady the ark of god and would be smitten like a tree. From the manual I found that this revelation was for Edward Partridge who was in charge of distributing the property that belonged to the saints. He was trying to tell the prophet how to lead the church(steading the ark of god). The manual said that saints should not try to steady the ark of god, but follow the prophet.
D&C 85:3 Paying our tithes helps prepare us for the lords second comming and helps us from being destroyed.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday's Post June 10

Section 76:7 I always thought it would be really cool to know the mysteries of God spoken of in this verse. When reading this section I had an insight that was interesting. That the prophets have had these mysteries revealed to them and have written them in the scriptures. One way I can learn them is by studying the scriptures that the prophets have written. This section reveals a lot about the lord's kingdom and was inspired by the spirit of god to be given to Joseph Smith and the other men in verse 11. I can gain a greater understanding of the lords plan by studying, praying, and listening to the spirit as a study this section.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10th

In Doctrine and Covenants 76: 25-27 is talking about the fall of Satan. It describes him as one who had great knowledge and power. He was one close to God being "in the bosom of the Father." Yet with all of the light and the knowledge that he possessed he still repelled against the will of the Father. We must be careful! In this life we must be watchful, we are no longer in the presence of God and because of the veil we have forgotten all of the knowledge we had before. If we abandon our faith and rely on our knowledge we too will fall.

Doctrine and Covenants 76: 69 is talking about those who will inherit the celestial kingdom. It states "These are they who are just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood." The Gospel is not just to bring the wicked man to repentance. The Gospel is to make good men better. We must not only think about being forgiven of our sins. The gospel also requires us to "stand a little taller and be a little better."

Wednsday June 10th's Reading

(76:26) In Latin, Perdition is to lose, no doubt it still has and once had this meaning. The angels wept over Satan, was that a weeping of their bother losing and being cast out, or weeping for the lost souls, or weeping over the event in its entirety?
(76:33) Vessels of truth, They carry and transport it, they ship it world wide. We need to be these vessels of truth, having so much inside of us and sharing it with the world.
(76:55) All things, we HAVE been given it all, how do you argue with that? we are candidates for the Celestial Kingdom. We just need God's vote to get us in.
(76:59) This even says that anything that is ours, is Gods through Christ. That would include money, time, ability, knowledge, etc.
(76:89) It is amazing how little our minds can really comprehend. Even the thought of eternity makes our heads spin. Our language is even limiting because of that factor that we cannot describe the things that are hard to understand.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday the 8th

D&C 62:2 I had forgotten how many blessings accompany sharing my testimony and it was a good reminder.
While reading through these sections the word that stuck out to me was faith. I learned a lot about faith from these scriptures. The phrases "I am with the faithful always and I have not forsaken you"(D&C62: 9)and " I am in your midst"(D&C61:36) The lord is with us he will help us and this should help us be cheerfull even in our trials on this earth. Section 63 also gave some intersesting informaiton about faith. In verses 7-11 it was talking about those that are seeking signs. Faith does not come by signs, but as we believe the signs will come as we have faith. President Bednar when I was at BYUI gave a devotional talk on faith that talked about having to step into the dark trusting in the lord. I have found this to be true as I followed the spirit not knowing exaclty why all of the time. Later recieving confirmation of the decision from the holy ghost that I was headed in the right direction through events that happened as I followed that course. Sometimes it was something as simple as a phone call to a friend to find that they where having a bad day.
I love section 64 like was stated in the previous blog by Brittany that forgiveness is something that the lord could can help us with if we ask in prayer. Forgiveness can be very hard, but with god all things are possible. He wouldn't give us a commandment to forgive all if it was not possible. In 64:8 the disciples did not forgive one another and it stated that "for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened." I know that when we don't forgive this hurts us, brings more sorrow into our lives, and we have the greater sin.

Monday's Readings (June-8-09)

(62) This was not a "chance" meeting of the saints. This was a meeting God planned. Really? How else could they have found each other like they did. Traveling on the same road at the same time. So many times in life, and I am a little guilty of this too, we think "Oh that's convenient" or "What a coincidence" Those instances are neither, They are the Lord answering our spoken and silent prayers.
(63:27)"Wherefore, I the Lord will that you should apurchase the lands" Its a good thing too, If we had not purchased the land while it was undeveloped, there wouldhave been hotels, homes or big businesses on that land, and it would have been messy to get that land back had the Lord not commanded them to get the land so soon. However, some of the land belongs to the FLDS church, do you think that would inspire some contraversy in getting it back one day?
(64:3) It's so easy for the Lord to forgive, or at least he makes it seem that way. He's so unjudgemental. Humans on the other hand, we ARE judgemental, and it's hard for us to forgive us and each other. This could be a great characteristic to pray for.
(65:6) I substiuted the footnotes a and b for gospel and celestial glory. Wherefore, may the agospel go forth, that the bcelestial glory may come, that thou, O God, mayest be cglorified in heaven so on earth, that thine denemies may be subdued; for ethineis the honor, power and glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday's Reading

In Doctrine and Covenants 58:6-12 is talks about the saints being prepared for the marriage of the lamb. This reminded me of an experience from my mission. I had someone ask me about this parable (a similar account is given in the New Testament) and a few other like it. In this parable the lord asks his guest to come to the wedding feast. The guest do not come so the Lord invites all of the poor to come to his feast. The question was why did the Lord not ask all the people to come to the feast, and if the guest would have come would the Lord still have invited the poor to come to the feast. We discussed this in the Friday group. Moroni 9:6 was brought up. In this scripture the Nephites are past feeling. No matter what Mormon and Moroni did the people would not repent, but they were still required to cry repentance. Even though the Lord new the guest would not come, He still invited them. This to show his his grace and mercy to all men.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wednesday the 5th

My favorite verse that I read since the last post was D&C 58:26-29. These scriptures talked about being anxiously engaged in a good cause. This scripture stated that " if inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward." I find that when I start to not be anxiously engaged I stop doing the things that can help to improve my spiritual life and become complacent.
D&C 58:42-43 were also interesting. I looked up the foot note to forsake in verse 43 that lead to D&C 82:7 "I the lord will not lay any sin to your charge; go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sin return, saith the Lord your God." I think this scripture adds insight into the word forsake. If we forsake are sins we will promise not to repeat them.

Friday's Readings

Ok, So I've been a little bit of a slacker and not reading as much these past few days as I should have. It's mid-terms, I've been a little busy. I don't have much to say because all the insight I had was personal, so I'll share just one thing,
(58:43) Repentance is for both sides. I would always think and assume that repentance was kindof all up to me. I would ask for forgiveness, the Lord would grant it to me, and we'd both forget about it. I felt like it was more work for me. This scripture suggested to me that it was more of a two-way promise, the Lord helps me so much and in return I ask for forgivenes. It is a convenant we make. The Lord will forget as long as we do, and let ourselves heal.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wendesday's readings

These are a few of my insights for Wednesday. Feel free to comment with your own or post your own. =)
(70:12) Worthy of his hire is to be taken care of by his people.
(D&C Manual 78:12) "When the bars are down [when we ler down our guard] the cuffs and curses of Satan, both in this world and in the world to come, bring undescribable anguish typified by burning fire and brimstone. The damned in Hell so suffer" (McConkie,Mormon Doctrine, p. 108.). I've done things I'm not proud of, and this quote really makes me want to be better and raise my bar.
(Section 78) In a way we do live the law of concencration. I was thinking about it, and growing up, we would get rid of the things we no longer needed. We never sold them in garage sales, we gave it away either to charity, or put up a sign saying "free __ ." That may have been the convenient way, but it was a form of concencration. Now, a lot of times within the saints, we borrow and trade things. We borrow decorations for events, we borrow and lend movies, we offer to take care of children or even make dinners for some. This is a form of the law of concencration. When the Sacior comes again, He will establish that law in its fullnes. It won't be too hard to get used to becuase in a way, we all live that law. Tithing is another form, we give 10% back to the Lord. It is a small percentage compared to the 100% we will give, but still, it's a start.
(82:4) Before i read the scriptures, I pray to have the spirit with me and to receive insights that will help me grow. Then, as I receive them, I write them down. If I'm not following those impressions and thoughts and making them a part of my life, then I am transgressing. I am offending God.
(97:3-5) These verses really stand out to me. I was having a really rough time at school my first semester, and so I went to the gardens to read my scriptures. I was having a hard time being away from home, and learning how to deal with this new environment and it's new rules. I read these verses and felt that the Church schools today are the schools in Zion spoken of. Their leaders are divinely inspired men. They talk with the Lord and no rule comes from them, it comes from the Lord. Those are the "other commandments" in verse 4. The honor code, and class rules, and all that jazz are commandments from the Lord and not some guy wanting to torture poor college kids. Those verses helped me to really appreciate the honor code here, as strict as it may be.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Let's get started shall we?

So, I've emailed you all I know so far. For now, this is where we will post comments and insights. I'll see if I can make you all contributors and you can create new posts as well. (If anyone has insight on how to do that, it would be great, I am new to this)

Hopefully I'll be able to contribute as much as I'd like. I'm supposed to spend about 3-4 hours a week on this, but without internet it makes it hard.

Thanks for helping me out on this; I'm sure it will be fun and hopefully helpful to all of us. I hope we can all grow from this experience together.

Here is the syllabus, in case the attachment in the email is "special"

3 D&C 51,70,72,78,82,97,10
5 D&C 57-59
8 D&C 60-68
10 D&C 76, 74, 137
12 D&C 81, 83, 85, 90, 108; 86, 113
15 D&C 84
17 D&C 88
19 D&C 89
22 D&C 93
24 D&C 98, 101, 134
26 D&C 102
29 D&C 103, 105
1 D&C 107
3 Holiday: Independent Study
6 D&C 91, 111, 115, 118-120
8 D&C 121-123, 127, 101
10 D&C 131-132; Official Declaration #1
13 D&C 135-136
15 D&C 138
17 Final: Independent study
I'll try to post again on Wednesday, and we can start this thing. =) Please post comments and insights as you have them about the reading. If you want to invite others to join, feel free to do so. Let's make this an uplifting experience.
Oh, and I've invited all to be authors. If you did not recieve the invitation in your email, or you would like one, email me.